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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Movies We Like - Invictus

We love how Director Clint Eastwood masterfully blends social commentary, politics, and sports in this film. This is about leadership in all its forms, and how great leadership can literally change everything. Outstanding performances all around - Morgan Freeman was born to play Nelson Mandela.

“The wonder of Invictus is that it actually went down this way.” - David Ansen - Newsweek

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Movies We Like - The Wave

This German film starts when a high school class questions how a dictator could ever take power in an educated, democratic county. So their teacher engages them in an experiment in Facism and social control, with shocking results. If you think it couldn’t happen here, think again; the story is based on real events in California.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Movies We Like - The Stoning of
Soraya M.

This is one of those films that unfolds slowly, then almost dares you not to look away. The actual stoning sequence is almost unbearable. That this is based on a true story, and that it happened in our lifetime, is unthinkable.

“It's a powerful, shocking piece, and the denunciation of a system in which an accused woman has to prove her own innocence (while in the case of a man, his guilt has to be proven by others), is strong and clear and unforgettable.” - Peter Brunette - The Hollywood Reporter