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Friday, July 23, 2010

Movies We Like - Burma VJ

Winner of the Oscar for Best Foreign Film this year. It’s smuggled footage compiled from several journalists working undercover in Burma, taking huge risks to detail the uprisings after 40 years of oppression. It’s journalism in its purest sense, unchecked, unspun, and raw. It’s essential viewing for anyone interested in human rights.

“ It's the truth, unshackled and captured against all odds, and it's one of the most powerful documentary films I have ever seen, period.” Austin Chronicle - Marc Savlov
Movie We Like - Green Zone

Largely overlooked at the American box office and it’s easy to see why. Matt Damon is at his best leading an army troop in the search for Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. When their searches keep coming up empty, Damon starts asking why and finds intersecting agendas and political spin in all directions. Yes, it’s a fictional movie, but probably hits a bit close to home for those who (still) support the invasion of Iraq.

“ It is a thriller, not a documentary. It's my belief that the nature of the neocon evildoing has by now become pretty clear. Others will disagree. The bottom line is: This is one hell of a thriller.” Chicago Sun-Times - Roger Ebert

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Movies We Like - It’s Complicated

It’s hard to resist three actors at the top of their game – Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin obviously have a great time making this film. And we think this is the best Steve Martin has been in years. The grown-ups in the room will find more than a couple of belly-laughs.

”It's Complicated isn’t: It’s pretty simple. It’s simply a good time.” - Michael Phillips
-Chicago Tribune

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Movies We Like - Invictus

We love how Director Clint Eastwood masterfully blends social commentary, politics, and sports in this film. This is about leadership in all its forms, and how great leadership can literally change everything. Outstanding performances all around - Morgan Freeman was born to play Nelson Mandela.

“The wonder of Invictus is that it actually went down this way.” - David Ansen - Newsweek

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Movies We Like - The Wave

This German film starts when a high school class questions how a dictator could ever take power in an educated, democratic county. So their teacher engages them in an experiment in Facism and social control, with shocking results. If you think it couldn’t happen here, think again; the story is based on real events in California.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Movies We Like - The Stoning of
Soraya M.

This is one of those films that unfolds slowly, then almost dares you not to look away. The actual stoning sequence is almost unbearable. That this is based on a true story, and that it happened in our lifetime, is unthinkable.

“It's a powerful, shocking piece, and the denunciation of a system in which an accused woman has to prove her own innocence (while in the case of a man, his guilt has to be proven by others), is strong and clear and unforgettable.” - Peter Brunette - The Hollywood Reporter

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Movies We Like - Pirate Radio

When you simply need something entertaining, this will do the trick. There’s no complex plot to stew over, just some likeable characters and wall-to-wall tunes. It feels a bit like going to a house party and having a lot more fun than you expected. Think “Almost Famous” meets “Bottleshock”.

“Pirate Radio does what it sets out to do. It rocks.” - Connie Ogle - Miami Herald

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Movies We Like - Up in the Air

George Clooney has never been better. Sure, he’s his regular confident, charming self, but he’s also vulnerable in a way we haven’t seen before. This dialogue is witty, sharp, sad, and ultimately real. It’s a great follow up from the director of “Juno”, and perfect for our time.

“There hasn't been a studio movie as unapologetically adult, sophisticated, and nuanced as Up in the Air in some time.” - David Ansen – Newsweek

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Fifty Dead Men Walking
This is inspired by the true story of Martin McGartland, a two-bit hustler living in Northern Ireland in the 80’s, at the height of “The Troubles”. He’s recruited by both by the IRA and the Brits at a young age and proceeds to carve out his niche as a high-level informant over the course of two decades. His information is said to have saved the lives of at least 50 men. Tense and riveting.

"The IRA still has him marked for death, and indeed there was an attempt on his life in Canada 10 years after he fled. He’s still out there somewhere." Roger Ebert - Chicago Sun-Times

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Check out our new section engage. Movies that inspire, challenge and provoke. Rent an engage section movie.... and will donate $1 to KidSport. For more information about KidSport please go to www.kidsport.ab.ca

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


This Japanese production won the Oscar for Best Foreign Film last year. It follows a man who finds reverence, honour, and grace in an occupation that is shunned by his family and his peers. It’s a fascinating glimpse inside everyday life in small-town Japan.

“Beautiful moments abound. In Departures, the contemplation of death prepares the way for an appreciation of life.”- Joe Morgenstern - Wall Street Journal

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Hurt Locker

Toronto director Kathryn Bigelow has garnered huge Oscar buzz for this film. It’s not a documentary about war in Iraq. It’s not full of Hollywood-style combat scenes. It’s an almost unbearably tense portrayal of men at work – even if their job is defusing IED bombs on a daily basis. We found it riveting from start to finish.

“Here's the Iraq War movie for those who don't like Iraq War movies”. - Peter Travers Rolling Stone